Monday, November 21, 2011

Catch Up

Well this past week has been crazy. We went to Peru! But sadly I have to catch up with schoolwork now so I can't share all about it. But the pictures are on facebook of course and I will blog about it by this weekend. But this morning I read some really encouraging scriptures that I just felt like I needed to share with the world. My sinful nature is to try to do everything on my own and forget that I have God to plan out my whole life. Here are a few scriptures that just put life and the future into perspective. Thanks God for showing me exactly what I needed just like always.

"In their hearts humans plan their course,
but the LORD establishes their steps." Proverbs 16:9
"A person’s steps are directed by the LORD.
How then can anyone understand their own way?" Proverbs 20:24
"LORD, I know that people’s lives are not their own;
it is not for them to direct their steps." Jeremiah 10:23
"There is a way that appears to be right,but in the end it leads to death." Proverbs 14:12
"like cattle that go down to the plain, they were given rest by the Spirit of the LORD. This is how you guided your people to make for yourself a glorious name." Isaiah 63:14
" 'For I know the plans I have for you,' declares the LORD, 'plans to prosper you and not to harm you, plans to give you hope and a future.' " Jeremiah 29:11
"Many are the plans in a person’s heart, but it is the LORD’s purpose that prevails." Proverbs 19:21
All I can say after that is God is so good. Amen.

ps. eighteen days until Morgan comes!

Tuesday, November 15, 2011

mis niñetos

I have completely fallen in love with my job. There's no other way to put it. I am actually excited every day to go. Okay some days I'm really tired and just want to stay home, but as soon as I get there I am immediately glad I went. And it's the same with Betaña and CEIKU. The kids are so different in the two, but I love them all so much. In CEIKU I usually work with the grandes or oldest group of kids. The other day I took a picture of each one of them. These kids will be graduating soon from the daycare and onto kinder and other Arco Iris projects. I just love them all so much and wanted to share the pictures with you all!













p.s. twenty six days until Morgan comes!

Thursday, November 10, 2011

The Little Things

They say it's the little things that make living worthwhile. I don’t know who “they” is but whoever it is they’re right. I’ve found a few little things about living in La Paz that just makes life so much more enjoyable. So of course I thought I would share them with you all so you can share in this experience.

1.The roof. So our very first day in La Paz Brie and I went exploring the apartment building of course. On the very top floor we found a ladder up to the roof, but they door was locked. A few weeks ago I guess someone went up there and forgot to lock it again. Somehow Brie found out about it so we got to go up there! It was awesome. We went up there for about an hour and just spent time praying together and looking over the city. After we just talked and talked about the incredible experiences God has given us and thinking about all of the future ones. It’s sadly locked again, but I’m sure God’s gonna open it up for us again. 

2. Singing at church. Last Sunday after church we were talking to some of the campus students jamming out while our friend Victor Jugo played the guitar and Christian sang. Next thing I knew Christian pulled out his phone and had all these English songs on it! It was literally the most random selection, from Taoi Cruz to Nirvana. We spent the next thirty minutes rocking out and singing on the top of our lungs in the middle of the church building. I was impressed that they knew they words, I mean they had no idea what they were singing but at least they could pronounce all of the words.

3. Tex Mex. Oh my lanta where to begin. A few weeks ago Brie, Helen, Matt, and I went out to dinner. We just went down to Montenegro but had no idea where we were going to go. We were in search for a new place but with really good food. We found like three Mexican restaurants but they were all either closed or shut down. Right when we had given up home we turned the corner and I literally heard a choir of angels start singing. We ran into a restaurant literally called Tex Mex. Best discovery ever. We walk inside and it literally felt like we walked into Texas. There was country music playing throughout the restaurant and all the seats were wooden booths with a hole of the Texan star in the back of every seat. They had the cheesy signs that my grandma has all over her house with sayings like “Don’t Mess with Texas” and those ridiculous saying about drinking and having a good time. I loved it. Every second of it. And that’s before I saw the menu. They had tacos, ribs, pulled pork, taco salad, chips and guac, and everything imaginable. This restaurant has made me very happy in the past few weeks.

4. Burger King. Ahhh BK. There is a Burger King right around the corner from our church building. In America I was never really a Burger King fan; I’m a Chic-Fil-A addict. But when you’re living in a third world country you take what you can get. The other day Matt, Brie, and I went there for lunch. I wasn't sure what to get but I figured go big or go home right? So naturally I ordered a Big Mac with cheese, King Size, and a sprite. Best decision ever. I forgot how good an American burger was. And I'm pretty sure these weren't even as good as true American burgers. For now these will have to calm my constant Chic-Fil-A cravings. 

5. Bits 'n Creme. The Coldstone of South America. Bits 'n Creme is God's gift to gringos. It is literally the best ice cream place ever. I go at least two times a week. There are three right by us which makes it dangerous. My selection always costs 18 Bolivianos, about $2.50, but it's so worth it. I get two scopes of cookies and creme ice cream with crushed oreos and strawberries. I top it off with chocolate sauce and a little cone thing they put on top. Oh my goodness it's amazing. It's so thick and so rich and ugh. Amazing. 

6. Movies. One of the best things about living in Bolivia is that movies are so cheap. The other day I went out with my mom and we stopped by a little tienda to look at movies cause they are everywhere. Looking turned into buying twenty movies for less than a dollar each. Such a good investment. I found some of my favorite movies: Easy A, Water for Elephants, Tangled, The Social Network, Slumdog Millionaire, Bridesmaids, and so many other good ones. So worth the 5 Bolivanos. 

7. Sunday night pancakes. Every Sunday night we have family devo from 5-7. During this time we just talk about our plans for the week, prayer requests, and then have a short devo. After is like family night. Brie usually makes chocolate chip pancakes and Brie, Matt, and I spend the night playing cards, watching a move, or planning a Irish party. The latter was all Matt and Brie. I opted out of this one. But it's just such a fun night spending time together dancing, singing, and eating of course. Definitely a highlight of the week. 

Well here are some of my favorite little things about La Paz. They will definitely be missed back in America. 

ps. twenty nine days until Morgan comes!

Wednesday, November 2, 2011

Halloween Weekend!

     Well this past weekend was crazy. As you all know it was the weekend of Halloween! Surprising people here actually celebrate it. But they also combine it with Día de los Muertos and Todo Santos. So I am a little confused but people definitely celebrate it that's for sure! Saturday I met up with one of the Scottish volunteers in Montenegro (a little shopping area near our house) and tons of kids we dressed as zombies. Everyone had make up on and were trying to scare us. A day early, but at least they are enjoying the fun. Helen and I got to spend some time shopping and just spending time together all day. We both had to buy some clothes and find Halloween costumes because we were having a party the next night, of course! Our original plan was to dress up as the powerpuff girls and having Matt be MoJo JoJo. Sadly, we didn't think that anyone would know who we were and surprisingly none of us had solid dresses of red, green, and blue. So then we jumped to plan B, Grecians. This seemed so easy cause all we needed to find was a sheet and wear gold jewelry. Little did we know a sheet was about 80 Bolivianos, roughly $11. Okay so it's not that much but that's a lot here in Bolivia. So when we met up with Brie for lunch we kinda just left it at figuring it out the next day because that night we were going to a football game!
Cheesy photo, but you get the point. 
When I say football I mean real football of course as the rest of the world sees it. To clarify we went to a  soccer game. And not just any soccer game the biggest one for La Paz! It was between the two teams of the city, Strongest and Bolivar. We had a hard time choosing between the two teams because Strongest represents our zone of the city, but they are the worst team. We finally chose Strongest when we found out the Bolivar tickets were 60 more Bolivianos. After our day shopping, Helen and I rushed home with Brie to get ready for the game. Brie, Helen, Matt, Noelle, and I were going to the game and meeting up this some brothers and sisters from the church. We got to the stadium at 7:00 with the game starting at 7:30 but were then met with tons of stands selling jerseys. We had to buy one of course! So after spending about twenty minutes buying our jerseys were we met by a huge line into the stadium. After waiting in this line for about 15 minutes, it surprising went fast, we entered out section of the stadium to find out there were no seats. NONE. The city sells more tickets than seats and since it's general admission some people don't have seats. But of course we were not gonna be these people. The next thirty minutes we were running around the stadium to the different sections seeing if there were seats. As soon as the police officers told us that there were none, a group of like fifty starting sprinting to the next area. This was actually so much fun cause we were like this huge herd running as fast as we could to get to the next section. Eventually after thirty minutes of running and then twenty minutes of the fans yelling at the police men, they let us enter another section. We entered and all the seats were empty... like seriously there were so many seats. So we missed a big portion of the first half, but worth the experience of course! The game itself was so much fun. Strongest lost of course, but it was an awesome time to hang out and get closer. It's funny we've all become such a family. I don't know what I'm gonna have to do when I have to leave my family!
     After getting home at like 11pm, we went to sleep quickly cause Sunday was just as busy as Saturday. We woke up in the morning and went to church. This was awesome cause Helen came with us! After an awesome service of singing and an incredible lesson by Edson, we headed back home to prepare for our big party! The past week and a half we have spent planning a Halloween party for some of our neighbors and friends! We made awesome invitations with the requirement that everyone dresses up. Mandatory dressing up. After church Helen and Matt came over to help Brie and I set up for the party. We spread spider webs across the living room, orange and black tablecloths, and spooky food. Ew I just said spooky; I guess all in the mood of Halloween. Anyways, the food was awesome. Ashley had the great idea of taking english muffins and making little zombie pizzas. We covered them in pizza sauce, slices of cheese, and then olives for the eyes. They were pretty impressive I must say. We also had the regulars of course; brownies, chips and salsa, soda. I have to give Matt props for making the brownies. They were perfection. And we spent the whole time listening to country music which made it ten times better. At about 4:30, an hour before the party, we realized we still had no idea what we were gonna dress up as. This turned into a frantic search of all our clothes. Brie had been suggesting decades and at this point we were so desperate that we went with it. The best is when we tried to get Matt to do Risky Business. He wasn't a fan of the shorts he had to wear. So finally we settled on a Strongest football player for Matt and the 50's, 70's, and 80's for me, Helen, and Brie. As much as we gave Brie a hard time about it, I give her credit for the time crunch she worked under and with the little clothes we have. 

The guests soon started arriving and I was so surprised by how they all not only dressed up, but some went all out! One of the guys from church, Victor Jugo, dressed up as Charlie Chaplin and another as Captain Jack Sparrow. I was impressed. We spent the night dancing awkwardly between American and Spanish songs. It's kinda embarrassing how Americans can't dance... at all. We tried to teach them the dougie and bernie before we suggested we just turn it to salsa. It was so funny though watching them trying to jerk. After we played "conejo gordita" or chubby bunny as us Americans call it. This might have been the highlight of the night. It was so much fun showing them one of the American classics and watching them stuff their faces with marshmellows. We finished out the night playing a huge game of signs, a camp classic. Surprisingly most of them already knew how to play and we pretty good! The party ended up ending at about ten, two hours after it was suppose to. I would say it was a pretty hopping party. I am just so grateful to be here and to make these memories with all these amazing people! Okay that was really cheesy but whatevs, I'm in a sappy mood.

p.s. thirty seven days until my brother Morgan comes to Bolivia to visit us! Ahhh I'm so excited!

Thursday, October 20, 2011


So yesterday morning at 5 am (ughhhh) my mom left for the Miami because she's leading a HOPEworldwide mission trip this weekend with her boyfriend Mark! But anyways when Ashely came down to Bolivia the 5th grade girls kingdom kid class at my church, North River Church of Christ, had sent us letters just encouraging us and telling us we're in their prayers. So we made a video for them as a thank you for their cards and just to tell them we are thinking about them! It was suppose to be just a video of Brie and me talking without any pictures our editing, but I got a little carried away. Just a little background information so you who we are talking to in the video. The video was put on a cd and sent with my mom to give to the girls back in Georgia! I tried to upload the video straight to the blog, but it's not working. So attached is the link of the video on youtube. I hope you enjoy our little hello from Bolivia! 

Here's the link:

Long Time No Blog

     Wowww well it's been about a month since I've last blogged. Life has been a bit crazy. But I finally have some free time today so I'm here to catch you up on everything in life in Bolivia!
     Where to even begin! I guess I can start by saying that I finally am starting work consistently! I know it's horrible I've been in Bolivia over a month and I haven't even truly started working. But I am finally getting caught up with school and I am now free enough to be able to start! I have already built so many relationships with the kids in the different projects and I am so excited to really get to know them! So here is my schedule as of right now...
              Mondays: Monday nights I go to Niñas de Obrajes at about 5pm to spend time 
                                with the girls. Ivelisse then teaches a dance class at 7:30-8:30 at the 
                                orphanage that I help out with... or try to. Bolivian dancing is not 
                                quite as simple as American. 
              Tuesdays: 9am-1:30pm at Betaña nursery (in the poorest part of Bolivia)
              Wednesday: Spanish day blahhh. Wednesday morning is devoted to working 
                                    on my Spanish work with Ivelisse. God bless her. Then 12:30-5pm
                                    at Casa de Paso nursery (where most of the parents of the kids 
                                    are prostitutes or work in the streets)
              Thursdays: 12:30-5pm at Casa de Paso nursery again!
              Fridays: Free day! Which means spending the whole day working on
                             homework... so not free in the slightest bit. 
So this is officially my schedule and I love it so much! Brie and I were just talking tonight about how much we love our job. And if spending all day with kids wasn't enough, the days we are in Caso de Paso we are working with another volunteer! Her name is Helen and she's from Scotland, which thankfully means she speaks English... little confession I didn't know that they spoke English in Scotland. Anyway it is so much fun working with her and being able to build that friendship! She was originally suppose to go to Peru for the year but last minute she got changed to Bolivia, to Arco Iris, in the same daycare as Brie and I. God works in amazing ways! But aside from Helen there are about twenty two volunteers not including the Hope team. Two of them are from the United States, sisters from California; three are from Scotland, one of them being Helen; and the rest are all from Germany! So needless to say they almost always speak German to each other, but they do all speak English for the most part. It's so much fun getting to know them and we're starting to spend time with them and build relationships. It's nice to have a group of gringos from eighteen to twenty three that we can relate to and share adjusting stories with! 
     Since I haven't blogged in so long, I have to write all about Coroico and our vacation there! Two weekends ago we had the opportunity to escape the busy streets of La Paz and Rio Selva, a resort in Coroico! The rest was amazing and such a needed time just to relax and have absolutely nothing to do. But the best part was driving there. The whole drive was through the mountains and we literally drove through the edge of the Andes. To get to Coroico, you have to drive two hours up a huge mountain before descending into the tropical city. The sights were incredible; I literally could not believe my eyes. I'm also pretty sure it was the first time I legitimately used the word majestic in a sentence. We drove through the highest point in Bolivia and at one point we were so high that we were literally driving through the clouds. It was crazy we couldn't see anything in front of us; thankfully we had a very experienced driver who said this wasn't even bad. But it was incredible and this was before even getting to the resort.
Just a few pictures from our drive:

      Like I said the weekend was just a time to spend time together and stop of lives. We were right on a river that was absolutely beautiful. The perfect spot to spend time reading and praying to God; you couldn't help but feel surrounded by him and his wonders. On Sunday morning Brie, Kevin, my mom, and I decided to go on what we thought was a little trail up one of the mountains. It turned out to be a real hike; Kevin said it reminded him of when he hikes the Appalachian. Of course Brie and I looked cute too cause we knew we would be taking pictures but had no idea what a real journey we were going on. But as hard or tiring as it was going up, once we got up there it was worth pushing past every time we wanted to give up. It was beautiful. There are no other words. But as cheesy as this is gonna sound, my mom pointed out to me that it's like everything else in life. If we push past the hard time and don't give up no matter how much we want to, we get to experience something spectacular. It really put into perspective how little our lives really last and how all my persecution and trials are gonna pay off. In other words it just made me so excited for heaven. Goodness I cannot wait to spend eternity with the Alpha Omega. After we got to the top of the mountain, it started to rain. At first this was a nice little cool down, until it started pouring rain. I'm talking like a storm. And this was while we were still at the top of the mountain. At that point we kinda just gave up on the fact of staying dry. We made our way down the mountain and found a random shack to stay under until it stopped. Of course it didn't and we got a ride back from someone to the resort. Poor Aunt Noey though was stuck back at the resort and was worried sick. Thankfully she was waiting right by the main entrance to greet us with towels!
     So since our little adventure to Coroico things have been pretty chill around the house. Let me clarify when I say around the house. In La Paz, not so much. We're literally living in history. There have been tons of strikes of the people revolting against the government and the president Evo Morales. The people having being refusing to provide transportation in the city during these days and if you get in a car they'll supposedly stone your car. Staying away from being biased and just stating the facts, a lot of these protestors have been missing or harmed by the police. As well as the people in La Paz, for the last two months the Tipnis people have been marching to La PAz. The Tipnis are an indigenous group from La Paz whose land has recently been taken to build a road straight through it for the selling of coca leaves. The people have spent the last two months marching to the capital, La Paz, to protest against this construction. They finally arrived yesterday with loud cheers from the people in La Paz. There were crowds there to meet them with food, shelter, and care. The Arco Iris hospital was at the spot to admit some of the marchers into the hospital immediately. These people have been marching for two months without much food. They are from the Amazon so the cold weather has given many of the pneumonia and the altitude is another problem. Because these people have spent two months of their lives marching, they had to bring their children along the journey. Children of just one or two years old have been walking all the way to the capital for the past two months. My mom, Kevin, and Gwen went with the hospital to welcome the Tipnis and later help them in the hospital. They couldn't even begin to express how incredibly it was without bawling their eyes out. No matter if I agree with what they are fighting for our not, you can't not respect these people. They have given up months to fight for something they believe in. It's incredible. But so now that they arrived no one quite knows what's going to happen. Evo conveniently left La Paz thirty minutes before they arrived to go see a soccer game in another city in La Paz, so I guess we are all just waiting for him to return. But that's a little insight of the history of La Paz that we're actually living!
     Well that's a little insight on what's been happening the past few weeks here in La Paz! I'm trying to upload a video I made for the kingdom kids at North River but of course it's taking forever. So hopefully you'll get to see a little visual bit of our adventure!

Thursday, September 22, 2011

     Yes, once again I got hit by the stomach bug. I have spent my whole morning sitting on the floor of the bathroom either doing homework or as Matt calls it working on my "diarrhea diet." This is not how I planned to spend this day at all; today was supposed to be my first day in the orphanage that I will be working at regularly. Today was the big day starting our consistent schedule and finally getting settled with what we will be doing from now on; instead I am home alone enjoying all the joys of being sick. But since now I have five extra hours open in my day, I decided to take a break from my schoolwork and blog. Which by the way I do not think I have explained yet. Since I am still in high school, I needed to take my classes for this semester to make sure that I am on track when I return in January. We were thinking about enrolling me in the International School here in Bolivia, which is conveniently a five minute walk from our house, but between the start date, the dues, and having to be surrounded by Americans all day, we decided not to choose this route. Instead I am taking online school through Georgia Virtual School, which is not as simple as I thought it would be. Despite the fact the I am taking four APs online, working school on the internet is so different than a classroom. I took one class this summer online to be able to come down to Bolivia, but the fact the it was only one honors class did not prepare me for this at all. But it is definitely a learning period for me and is challenging me a lot on my diligence and my procrastination. But anyway now you see why I wanted to get away my classes for a bit.
      An update on what is happening, last night I translated for the first time at church! I conveniently sat next to Gwen last night who is learning Spanish and is doing awesome, but understanding a whole sermon at church is still difficult. As soon as church began she whispered my name and I knew automatically what I was about to get pulled into. I tried to convince her on getting Brie to translate for her, but she was set on me. But despite my fear and insecurity, I was able to translate the whole lesson for her which not only helped my spanish a lot but was extremely encouraging that I can do that! In just three weeks I think my spanish has grown so much! It helps living in a country where about every twentieth person only knows about ten phrases in english. 
     But besides my big victory last night this weekend is a HUGE time for FAI. About every two years FAI has a fundraiser and dinner to raise money and spread the word about all the aspects of FAI. On Friday we are all going to a rock concert that the foundation is hosting. Bands will be playing all the classics: Beatles, Rolling Stones, Eagles, and more; a nice taste of America. Then on Saturday we have a non stop day. In the morning we are going to help Edson and Teresa, who lead the church, because they are moving to a different part of town. None of their family is from La Paz, so we offered to go over for a few hours to help out. After that we planned to go on a double decker bus to finally see the city we have been living in for the past three weeks. I am not sure if we are still going on this, because of the big program on Sunday for FAI. Sunday FAI is having what we think is an all day fundraiser. We are going after church for lunch and then a whole day of activities and raffles. Despite the fact that we are literally all working for FAI, we really have no idea what's going on. But what we do know is that there are over 300 donations that will be used as prizes that need to be wrapped. Yesterday Brie, Noelle, James, and I spent a few hours helping Father Jose wrapping up some of these gifts. Side note really quickly, James is James Jacoby who is the most recently, last minute addition to our team. He thinks he will be staying here for about a year and helping out wherever there's a need. Back to the wrapping though, we did it in the hospital so we actually got to go in it for the first time! We saw the office that Kevin, my mom, and Gwen work in every day; I know they're working in an office in a hospital. My mom is dying a little bit; our family is not quite the sit in one spot all day every day and do the same thing. But it's character building right? We also got to see some of the other floors of the hospital where the patients are cared for. Because there are over 300 donations with more coming every hour, we offered to spend Saturday helping wrapping again. Which is why we might have to cancel our tour guide Saturday morning. But I know God will work it all out, like I hope making me stay home today was part of his plan too.  
      Andddd the best part of my past few days is that I got to skype Morgan last night. Which I told him to read this blog so he better be reading this right now. But I was so grateful to just see his face! We got to tell each other all about what we are doing. He's in the athletic program at UGA studying to be a P.A. so his schedule is non stop. Which kinda stinks because now we don't know if he came come down for Thanksgiving. Just another thing I'm having to pray about. I think God's trying to send me a message to trust him more. But I hope this caught you guys up a little bit. I feel like my thoughts are kinda all over the place and I don't even really know what I just typed, but it was a much needed break. Now back to the joys of calculus and physics. What a fun day. 

Saturday, September 17, 2011


     Now that all the facts are out of the way, I can actually talk about the amazing things this experience is doing for me! They say that after the first two weeks the reality truly sets in, and it finally hit me. The first few days in La Paz I couldn't imagine ever leaving this place; the mountains, the latino culture, my new church family, these children, all of it. But after just two weeks, I'm already starting to feel that homesickness. It's hard to go so long without my friends and family especially when I can only communicate on the computer, thank goodness for skype though! The person I miss the most though is my brother Morgan; I am literally dying without him! I always knew that I loved him a lot and that he was my best friend, but it doesn't really hit you until you are 3653.425 miles away how much they mean to you. On top of the people, Brie and I keep finding ourselves missing the little things of America, like toilet paper. Who would have ever thought to be grateful for toilet paper but after an encounter at the police station where we all had to give a urine sample in a bathroom with no toilet paper, we learned that someone always needs to carry some Kleenex on them. Also, Bolivia is just now going into spring and because it is the highest elevated city in the world, the weather is perfect; perfect for riding with the windows down in a car blasting John Mayer. My friend Hannah and I use to do this all the time; driving with no where to go and nothing to do. But of course that's not possible here, on account of we all thank God every time we get out of a taxi not knowing how we survived the crazy driving of La Paz. And then there's Chic-Fil-A, which is a sore topic for everyone on the trip. Living in Georgia for the past eight years have given me an addiction. Every Wednesday before or after church I go to Chic-Fil-A to have a number five eight count meal with polynesian, ranch, and a sweet tea. I think I am literally going through withdrawals; we need to get some sort of AA meeting down here for learning to cope with the change of food. Not only for our minds, but for our stomachs too. In the past few weeks, every single member on our team has gotten sick multiple times, except the doctor and nurse of course. It started with traveler's diarrhea, which is always fun. Brie and I got the biggest dose of that and the driving in La Paz did not make it any better. It seems every day we had it the worst would be the days we decided to go see the projects, which entails about forty minutes of sitting in the backseat cringing at the billion bumps and jerks the busy streets of La Paz offers us. Thanks La Paz, we appreciate your kindness. But at least we have more memories that can be the bud of jokes. There have been a lot of these memories already; I think everywhere we go we are the exact representation of what Paceños (people of La Paz) think of Americans. But don't worry, we've been claiming to be Canadians to give America a good name. We just have to add in an "eh" every few lines and bring up bacon and syrup as much as possible. But in addition to our wonderful experience in diarrhea and the barfing bug that has been going around between us all, we have also learned a lot about patience already. We all have to get residency to live in Bolivia any time over three months and I don't think any of us knew how much waiting this would entail. This process included having to go to Interpol, the international police, the doctor to get a quite extensive physical, and lastly the police station we visited last week. Our trip to Interpol was not too bad; they had to check on our criminal records and health records to make sure that we weren't going to bring harm to their country. Ironic on account of we all came here to serve the hurting in the streets of La Paz, but we let the men do their work. We even met an awesome couple from Ecuador that are in La Paz with their two children, a boy that is eleven and a girl that is nine, to do similar work in El Alto, which is no doubt the poorest part of the city. They are a younger, extremely kind couple who we invited to church and they seemed very interested! So we'll just have to see and pray that they will come out! 
     After our harmless Interpol experience, we went out to the Occupational Hospital to get our physical, which is a lot more extensive then the classic check up in America. First we had to give blood and a urine sample followed by a general checkup which came with a thorough questioning, x-rays, and a dental checkup. None us really saw how a cavity or some plaque on our teeth would make us a threat to the country especially Gwen who right now has a metal disk in her jaw that limits her to opening her mouth more than 20 mm, half of what it should. But thanks to God none of us had a detrimental harm, but once again more memories. Because we were giving blood, all of us had to fast from everything including water from midnight the morning before until after the whole process was over. For me, this is almost impossible on account of I eat almost every hour. And due to the lack of fluid in our system, one of our team members tried to turn in a urine sample with literally three drops of urine into the container. Thankfully the nurse was gracious and told her that she had until the end our time their to turn in it, but these became another part of our slapstick humor that kept us entertained in our hours of waiting. Living with three medical professionals also made this trip a lot more nerve wrecking than it should have been. Gwen and my mom were flinching at whether the needles were new and whether the dentist would be wearing gloves. But once we got into the x-ray rooms and there were only two gowns to wear, they were completely grossed out at the thought of wearing the same gown that everyone had worn for probably weeks. They think of a lot things that pass right by us non-medical minded beings. Thursday afternoon Brie, Noelle, and I met the rest of the team down more for our last need at the police station to do some more quick paperwork for our residency. What we thought would turn into an hour trip at most became a three and a half hour journey where the only thing we actually had to do was give our thumb print and sign a paper. I think we were all a little delusional that day and spent the time listening to Aunt Noey talk about how she knew she was in love with Kevin when he bought her a house. The jokes were endless, almost as endless as the time we spent there. 
     After we were finally got done with all of our waiting, we got to spend time at dinner with the new family. It might have been the funniest moments of the trip so far. My mom started dinner with our childhood game of high-point low-point of the past few weeks, but in Spanish; this criteria alone made it hilarious. Between a certain someone getting bed bugs, the first pedestrian day in Bolivia we got to experience, and the strikes going on in the city we've gotten a pretty good feel for the La Paz. We've already had some misunderstandings as well. Kevin, who is learning Spanish from scratch, had been introducing himself for the past two weeks as "Hola, me amo Kevin," meaning Hey I love myself. Once again mirroring the stereotypical Americans. Father Jose, who comes over multiple times each week for ice cream, brought us over a huge tub of what Aunt Noey thought he said we honey flavored ice cream from Germany. So while everyone is talking in the next room, Noey proceeds to serve everyone a huge scoop of this new ice cream. It turns out it wasn't ice cream... we were serving our guests bowls of just honey. These of course made the high-points of us all, while Aunt Noey shared her low-point to be me and Brie constantly criticizing her Spanish. This quickly went from joking to almost serious, but Brie and I saved it by quoting Aunt Noey's first few sentences she says in Spanish every time she gets into a cab. "Hola ¿Cómo se llama usted¿Dónde vives¿Cuántos hijos tiene usted? Estoy aprendiendo todas las calles de la ciudad. Lo siento. Mi español es horrible." But all joking aside, her Spanish has gotten really good over the past few weeks, Brie and I just have the pleasure of always riding with her. And of course it wouldn't be a family dinner without the confusion between normal and cuss words and dreams about cholera. Although we are a bit dysfunctional, we are the perfect combination. 
     But through all this adjusting and hard times, La Paz truly is amazing. We are living "la vida buena" (one of the few phrases Kevin has gotten down and loves to say). I keep remembering the scripture is Proverbs 31:8-9 (NIV)
Speak up for those who cannot speak for themselves, for the rights of all who are destitute. Speak up and judge fairly; defend the rights of the poor and needy.
I am so confident the God called me to La Paz for this reason specifically; that he wrote this scripture just for me at this time in my life. Whenever I start to feel homesick or miss my friends, I remember what an opportunity I have to be here. To defend these helpless children, to serve these girls my own age. We also have to chance to work with the church down here and we can all already see how God is working. In the past few weeks there has been such a change in enthusiasm and passion to know God; people are changing left and right. The women already set up about twelve bible studies and I had the opportunity to be in my first study this morning! Even better, I understood all of it even though it was in Spanish! God is doing such amazing things in La Paz already and I can't wait to share with all of you everything he continues to do through us while we are here. 

Wednesday, September 14, 2011

The Heart Of FAI

     Well these first two weeks have been non-stop! Once finally arriving in La Paz, we started learning and visiting all the projects of Foundation Acro Iris. Our first day we went to Hogar de Niñas Obrajes, an orphanage for one hundred and twenty girls. Many of these girl come from dangerous and unstable home lives of abuse and neglect. Although most of these girls are orphans, some of them have parents who
Girls at Niñas Obrajes 
have either disappeared, thrown them on the street, or are in jail. The girls in the home range from five to eighteen years old and live in the orphanage all together. The girls are split in "families" of about twenty girls of all ages with a "mom" to each family that is at the home twenty-four hours a day. Like Argentina, the school in Bolivia is broken into morning classes and then afternoon classes. Most of the girls, especially the younger ones, go to school from eight until about noon while the other ones work on homework or get tutored. All of the girls are home at twelve-thirty for lunch all together and then the second group of girls go to school from one-thirty until about six. FAI works to give these girls the closest to a true home environment that they can offer. The home has physiologists, tutors, social workers, cooks, dance teachers, a nurse, and a weekly doctor all on staff to give to the girls. Each girl in Niñas Obrajes has their own individual story, but each is filled with hurt, neglect, and pain. On our arrival to the orphanage, we meet one beautiful girl named Gabriella. When we asked her her age, she had to refer to Cristoball, the director of all the programs, to remember she was sixteen. Cristoball told us that she had been living in the home until one day her father got out of jail and showed up to the home. The father took Gabriella from the orphanage, which is illegal because Niñas Obrajes has official custody of all the girls, and soon after they left the home the father left Gabriella in the street for a second and she got hit by a car. Gabriella was in a coma for six months and now thankfully she is out of the hospital and back at Niñas Obrajes, but she has been physically, mentally, and emotionally damaged for life and now has to work to remember all the simple things once again, things like her name. This is only the story of one girl, my own age, who has been through more in sixteen years than I think I will ever go through. FAI works with these girls and teaches them skills so that they can hopefully become independent once they reach eighteen. At this age, the girls are moved from the orphanage and moved into Casa de la Estudiante y Trabajadora. These are apartments that the girls move into to finish school, get a job, and become independent from the home.
     After Niñas Obrajes, we went to Centro Betaña, another project of FAI. This project is located in Gran Betaña, one of La Paz's poorest neighborhoods. Unlike Niñas Obrajes, Betaña is not a home for
"I am so broken that I have no desire to fix myself"
the kids to live in, but where kids can voluntarily come to be tutored, to eat, to get medical assistance, and to get away from the rough life many of them have at home. Betaña takes in kids from six to eighteen years old. Along with the main building of Betaña, down the street there is a nursery that takes care of kids from one to five. These children are from the area of Gran Betaña too and despite their hard conditions, they are so joyful and loving.
Fifteen year old mom with her newborn son
     In the next few days we visited Casa Esperanza and Casa Refugio as well. Casa Esperanza is the equivalent of Niñas Obrajes, but for boys. There are eighty boys in this home and many of the boys are brothers of the girls in Niñas Obrajes. Esperanza also has a nurse and social workers on staff and the two floors of dorms for the boys each have a "mom" and a "dad" to give the kids a feeling of true family. The father stays with the boys for twenty-four hours and the next twenty-four hours the mother stays with the boys. Each room for the boys has between two to four beds and FAI integrates boys of all ages and personalities. They try to put boys together with different strengths in hope that they will all learn from each other. After Casa Esperanza we visited Casa Refugio, which was one of the most sobering places
we have visited. Before actually entering Casa Refugio on the second floor, we learned of another project of FAI called Proyecto Apoyo Social Familiar. This program works with the families of the area to help them with financial and medical needs. The team goes and visits the families in their homes to work to better their lives and improve their situations. After this project, we got to go up to Casa Refugio where my heart melted. Casa Refugio is a home for teenagers that are either pregnant or have recently had a baby. The girls live in the home with their child from their point of entering until they reach the age of eighteen. Most of the girls get pregnant at about eleven or twelve years old with 99% of the cases being inter-familiar rape.
Fifteen year old mom with her year and a half daughter
Once these girls get pregnant, their mothers will not believe that either their son or new husband raped their daughter and eventually the daughters either leave to escape the abuse or are kicked out of the home. Many of these girls are still in school so they have a very intense schedule. In the morning they go to work to get money to support themselves and their child, return in the afternoon for lunch with their child, attend specialized classes that teach them specific skills, and then attend school at night. FAI gives these girls food, shelter, support, and love but realize that they will soon be on their own and try to prepare them for this time. The classes, getting more specific the older the mother gets, try to set the mothers up to have a reliable, steady job to support their new family. Casa Refugio offers counseling in helping the young mothers balance their new lives as mothers. In addition to counseling, FAI offers social, legal, and physiological assistance. Because most of these cases are inter-familiar, there are many legal cases to deal with. These cases are generally just dropped however with no punishment to the attacker. Some of the girls stay in the home until after they are eighteen solely because it is still not safe for them to go out alone with their aggressor still on the streets.
Few of the children from Casa Refugio 
     As if all these projects are not incredible and doing enough, FAI has more programs to help the children of La Paz. It's biggest project is Caso de Paso, which addresses every aspect of family needs. The main part of Caso de Paso, like Betaña is a place for children of the area to come to to have their needs meet. The children usually come either in the morning if they have classes in the afternoon or after school if they have morning classes. Caso de Paso provides breakfast, snacks, lunch, and tea to about 300 children they help each day. Caso de Paso also offers recreational facilities such as areas to play basketball and soccer; free medical care from the doctor and dentist on staff; vocational workshops such as jewelry making, painting, and carpentry; and classes with tutors, computer labs, and literacy teachers. Caso de Paso is also home to about twenty boys who lived on the streets and offers all these same programs to these boys including an education and dinner, all of the other kids return to their houses for the night for dinner and to sleep. The children that Caso de Paso serves either live or work on the streets. The difference between these two groups of kids are major. The kids who work on the streets are often ambitious and hard-working to provide for themselves and their family. Most of the children who live in the streets have been through so much and are at the point that they do not care about their lives. They find that they rather live in the streets because there they have no responsibilities and can live as they please. Some of these kids that are affected by these two rough lifestyles are not even five years old yet.
     Caso de Paso has a nursery they offer as well. This nursery is where my heart is. The kids in this daycare, between one and five years old, are mostly children of women who work on the streets, a majority of the mothers being prostitutes. As soon as we walked into the room, all of the children ran towards us and grabbed onto us yelling "hola hola" with huge smilies across their faces. Leaving these kids thirty minutes later was honestly one of the hardest things I've ever had to do. But Caso de Paso does not only care for the children of this area, they work with the whole family. One family we met consisted of a mother and seven children, one of which was mentally retarded. We were told that the women had three children with her first husband until he no longer wanted to care for her and his children and left them for a younger woman. Desperate for help, she soon remarried to a new man with four children of his one, one of which is the one with special needs. Soon after her second marriage, this man decided that he too did not want to care for them all and she was left again with now seven children, four of which that are not her own and having to take care of a special needs son whom she does not even know his mother. The Proyecto Trabajadores, a part of Caso de Paso, works with families like this that work in the streets. The project gets the kids working on the streets to school and tries to keep them out of the daily drugs, alcohol, and crime that they are surrounded by. The project also provides school supplies to the students and scholarships to attend technical training and university. The project helps the workers to save and handle their money and visits the streets to find the workers and help them manage all this. On top of the financial aspect, Caso de Paso also offers social workers and physiologists to help the families deal with their mental or emotional programs they might have.
An addictive drug made of shoe glue,
gasoline, and water
Home of kids living under the bridge
     Another project inside Caso de Paso is Proyecto Calle. In La Paz, tons of people, especially children, live in the streets wherever they can find a "home": under bridges, parks, cementaries, garbage disposal sites, and some are lucky enough to find buildings with single rooms they can rent. Most of these children are orphans, abandoned, or victims of family abuse. A general scenario of these children is that the mother gets remarried and the new stepfather either abuses his new children or does not want them. The kids are either kicked out by their own mothers or run away to escape this life. The workers at Caso de Paso do many different things with these people. One part of Proyecto Calle is called House of Improvement for kids who want to leave their lives on the streets. Caso de Paso help to improve the lives of these children and some are eventually moved into Niñas Obrajes or Casa Esperanza. Another part of Proyecto Calle is daily visits to the "houses" of these street kids and give them medical assistance, clothing, blankets, food, etc. We had the opportunity to do this yesterday with some of the kids that live under one of the bridges. The work with these children right now is only once or twice a week because it just started. The workers first had to gain the trust of these children, the hardest part of this job. After finally winning their trust, they have begun to teach these kids simple math problems and bring them food on their visits. Yesterday we visited the bridge to get the kids and to see where they live. Most of these kids are between fifteen to nineteen years old and have grown as sort of a family. They have very open romantic relationships with each other and live a life of stealing mostly to get by. Most of these kids are addicted to drugs and alcohol or anything they can find to ease some of their pain. After going to the bridge, we took the kids to a nearby park to spend time with them and do some math problems with them. Despite their circumstances, these kids are so giving and just a joy. They loved spending time with us, taking pictures, talking of celebrities, and just being shown true love. Although these kids have grown so rough and defensive on the outside, once you get past their exterior they are some of the sweetest kids you will ever meet.

     After visiting with these kids, we visited the last part of Caso de Paso and Proyecto Calle. This work is visiting houses in the poorest areas of La Paz to give them support. These volunteers have 120 homes that they visit regularly and try to improve the conditions of their lives. These families live all together in small "houses" of generally one or two rooms with the bare minimum of necessities. One family we were told had one bed that all twelve members of the family slept on. The hope for each family is that they will be able to improve to be able to live independently of FAI. The house we visited yesterday is of one mother with three girls of 18, 12, and 11. The family definitely lives in poverty and are fighting to make it through each day. The oldest daughter has Chicken Pox right now that she had gotten from her two younger sisters who just got over it. She did not look up the whole time we were there out of embarrassment and pain. The mother has a severe heart condition and is confined to a wheel chair. She cannot move around her house because of her condition and how weak she is. The mother recently ran out of her medicine and was continually saying that she could not breathe. The volunteers of this specific project are only given 250 Bolivianos, about $30 US, a month for all 120 families for medicine. That gives about $0.30 for each family each month for medicine, which almost every member of every family needs. These families are fighting to get by.
      After two weeks, you can only imagine how soft my heart has grown and how grateful I am. I am not only grateful of the life and family that I have been given, but even more that I have the opportunity, even for just four months, to help these children and make a difference in their lives.

In case you want to read more information about Acro Iris and the other programs you can visit the website